Category: Shareholder Relations

Shareholder Relations Managing People
2011 February Managing People

The responsibilities of property managers include a wide array of tasks, from the physical to the administrative. While many of these jobs involve concrete things—like sending out monthly bills, filing paperwork, or going to meetings—eq…

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Shareholder Relations Getting Out the Vote
2011 February Getting Out the Vote

Election season typically starts around Labor Day, when we start to be bombarded with reminders to cast our ballots to choose who we want to be in charge of our city, town, state and country. It ends on Election Day in November, when th…

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Shareholder Relations Pets Allowed?
2011 February Pets Allowed?

Even as condos and co-ops around the Northeast have loosened pet restrictions to increase marketability during the recession, only a limited segment of New York City buildings have jumped on the bandwagon. Co-ops, most of whic…

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Shareholder Relations The Growth of Home Based Businesses
2011 February The Growth of Home Based Businesses

According to U.S. Small Business Administration statistics, over half of all small businesses begun in the last decade have been home-based—that's more than 24 million in real numbers—with a new home-based business being launched every 1…

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Shareholder Relations How to Get Heard
2011 February How to Get Heard

As a shareholder or condo owner, you’ve got a gripe. Whether it’s about Mrs. Smith’s poodle barking all day, the neighbor’s teenaged son who blasts his heavy metal music full-volume when his parents aren’t home, or a long-coveted parking…

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Shareholder Relations Duty vs. Neighbors
2011 February Duty vs. Neighbors

Getting elected to the board of one's co-op or condo building is usually a very positive thing: it gives a person the chance to play a part in the preservation of their community, and also gives them the opportunity to leave it in bette…

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Shareholder Relations What Do You Do With Your "Greenie"?
2010 Feb What Do You Do With Your "Greenie"?

 Most of your buildings have a shareholder—or maybe two or three—who fit into a particular mold: you know, longer hair, Birkenstocks, vintage  Woodstock t-shirts; or maybe yours has the $5,000 suit, $1,000 shoes, and  starched attitude. Th…

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Shareholder Relations Where the Dollars Are
2010 Feb Where the Dollars Are

 Few things can be as upsetting as discovering that the funds that fuel a co-op  or condo have been mishandled—or worse yet, stolen. For residents, fraud undermines their sense of trust in  the men and women who oversee and manage the plac…

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Shareholder Relations Board Elections
2010 Feb Board Elections

 Every co-op and condo community has a board of directors in charge of governing  the community’s finances, physical maintenance and other day-to-day business. Part of the  board’s responsibility also is to keep the community fiscally soun…

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